Are You Lacking A Vital Mineral?
Dec 23, 2022
Do you suffer from any of the following?
Brain fog, Memory problems, Constipation, Aggression, Sugar cravings, Migraines
Restless leg syndrome, Frequent headaches, Hypertension, Chronic back pain, Anxiety,
Pain, Depression, Sleep problems, Behavioral problems, Fatigue, Lethargy, Insomnia,
Muscle cramps, Ringing in the ears, Confusion, Circulation problems.
The truth might be deficient in a vital mineral. Estimates are that at least 75 percent of the population lacks in this area. The list above is not all-inclusive, but these are the most common complaints.
Magnesium is vital to our muscles. Without magnesium, you couldn't move your leg. When we're low on magnesium, people complain about leg twitching, muscle cramps, and eyelid twitches. Magnesium also allows muscles to relax.
Why is magnesium so Important?
Although most people only think of magnesium as necessary for muscles, many people forget that our hearts are pure muscles. Magnesium plays a role in at least 300 functions in the body, maybe as many as 700 processes!
Here are a few; energy production, DNA synthesis, protein formation, body temperature regulation, blood sugar control, bone and teeth formation, blood pressure regulation, detoxification of the body, and protection from environmental toxins.
Why are we so likely to be Magnesium Deficient?
Low Levels in Soil - Our modern farming techniques have depleted magnesium stores in farming soil. Compared to the 1940s, our vegetables have 24 percent less magnesium, and our fruits have 16 percent less magnesium.
Stress and Sleep Deprivation - Modern societies expect us to be available and "on the go" 24/7. Most of us are stressed out and sleep-deprived, which causes the overproduction of stress hormones, depleting our body's magnesium reserves. Chronic stress is one of the primary reasons our bodies are low in this crucial mineral.
Processed Foods and Junk Foods - Caffeinated drinks leave our bodies dehydrated. Magnesium can be easily removed via urine. Most processed foods and junk foods contain little magnesium.
Pharmaceutical Drugs - Oral contraceptives and other estrogen-based compounds, blood pressure medications, cortisone, prednisone, and antibiotics all deplete the body of magnesium.
Why Should You Start Taking Magnesium Right Now?
Your heart is one of the best reasons to ensure you get enough of this critical mineral. A chronic magnesium deficiency worsens almost all heart attacks, heart diseases, and other problems.
Other problems have been linked to low magnesium levels, including chronic anxiety, recurring bouts of depression, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, panic attacks, osteoporosis, and poor circulation.
Remember that the best natural magnesium sources are green leafy vegetables because they contain chlorophyll. The one significant difference between chlorophyll, plants' lifeblood, and human blood is that human blood cells have iron, and chlorophyll has magnesium in the center. Add plenty of fresh vegetables to get a jump on the magnesium train!
If you want to explore other ways of reducing your pain and weight, check out my free resource here. 10 Tactics To Improve Your Weight & Pain Now
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