Is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Contributing To Your Low Back Pain?

educational exercises low back pain pelvic floor dysfunction Aug 15, 2022
Woman getting out of bed with low back pain

Is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Contributing To Your Low Back Pain?

If you have decreased mobility, tightness in the low back and hamstrings, and have low back pain, pain in the hips, tailbone, or sacroiliac joint pain, your pelvic floor could be contributing to your pain. The pelvic floor comprises muscles and connective tissue attached to the bones at the bottom of the pelvis and tailbone.

Over time if the muscles cannot contract and relax in a full range of motion, they can become weak. As a result, other muscles around the pelvis and tailbone have to work harder. This muscle imbalance is known as pelvic floor dysfunction.

This dysfunction may contribute to lumbopelvic pain. Lumbopelvic pain includes sacroiliac joint pain and low back and hip pain. Some physical therapists are trained in corrective exercises to improve low back, sacroiliac joint, and hip pain.

If you want to start three simple exercises today, Jennifer Dene has three easy-to-follow exercises in her blog. 

Send me a message at [email protected] if you need a recommendation for a specialized physical therapy team in your area. Also, if you have used pelvic floor therapy to improve your pain, I would love to hear about your experience.

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